CathWest provides modern learning spaces that support collaboration and enhance a variety of educational experiences.
The learning spaces at CathWest are designed to enhance the learning opportunities of our students.
With campuses in Emu Plains and Mount Druitt, CathWest Innovation College meets the needs of today's students who will live and work in an ever-changing world. Open to students in Years 10-12, we put students in the driver's seat when it comes to their learning journey.
We invite you to explore our college facilities across two campuses and discover what makes CathWest a great place for your child.
Learning spaces at CathWest are modelled on contemporary, professional workplaces, encouraging students to have a mature and responsible attitude to their studies. Facilities include:
- the HUB with onsite cafe
- a maker space with machine room and STEM Lab
- media room for podcasting, animation, videography, photography, coding and more!
- Green Room for video projects
Cathwest offers students first class, industry leading facilities across its range of trade courses including:
- automotive, carpentry, electrotechnology and shop-fitting workshops
- a professional bricklaying facility
- Early Childhood training facilities
- a fully equipped commercial kitchen
- operational hairdressing salons
- metals and engineering work spaces.
Our administration area encapsulates the approach of the whole college, giving the feel of a professional business environment rather than a school.
Contact usCAFE
Our onsite cafe gives hospitality students unique, hands-on, real-life experience as well as providing a quality service to the whole college community.
Explore Sales & Service optionsTHE HUB
The HUB is the heart of the college allowing students and staff to share meals in the common kitchen or collaborate in one of the many learning areas.
Our impressive Maker Space with its machine room and STEM Lab enables students to tinker and come up with their own creations, allowing imaginations to soar.
Explore Design & Arts optionsMEDIA ROOM
The Media Room provides recording facilities where high quality equipment supports podcasting, animation, videography, photography, coding and more!
Explore Technology & Media optionsGREEN ROOM
Part of our high-tech Media Room, the green room facilitates a variety of videography projects allowing students to explore digital storytelling and media creation.
Explore Technology & Media optionsSCIENCE ROOM
Forget dusty labs with ancient Bunsen burners, our Science Room uses the latest tech to enhance student learning and encourage curiosity and investigation.
Discover our Year 10 Inquiry ProgramEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION
Our realistic Early Childhood Education and Care training facilities can also accommodate playgroups, offering rich student learning experiences.
Explore Education & Training optionsAUTOMOTIVE
Our Automotive students have access to a workshop that resembles that of a professional mechanic, complete with vehicle hoists and a variety of cars to work on.
Explore Construction & Mechanical optionsBRICK AND BLOCKLAYING
Our professional bricklaying facility is used by other training companies and employers to assist in their delivery and up-skilling of employees.
Explore Construction & Mechanical optionsCARPENTRY/ SHOP-FITTING
Carpentry and Shopfitting workshops and equipment are so advanced students can construct houses and their components within the four walls of the workshop.
Explore Construction & Mechanical optionsHOSPITALITY
Our fully equipped Commercial Kitchen rivals that of top restaurants and supports the highest quality, practical hospitality learning experiences.
Explore Sales & Service optionsMETAL FABRICATION
Individual welding bays and a range of fabrication machines gives students the opportunity to design and produce projects to solve real world needs.
Explore Construction & Mechanical optionsELECTROTECHNOLOGY
Aspiring electricians have access to the latest technology and equipment they need to be skilled up, in a space that allows for independent and collaborative work.
Explore Construction & Mechanical optionsHAIRDRESSING SALONS
An operational salon gives hairdressing students an invaluable opportunity to work with real clients and gain work experience without leaving the campus.
Explore Health & Wellness optionsVISIT CATHWEST TODAY!
See for yourself why we’re such a great place to learn.